Sourdough Pizza Recipe – The best pizza you can make at home

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  1. ivanhoegc Reply

    Quattro formaggi is four cheeses. I suspect you have confused with quattro stagione!

  2. simone Reply

    hi Sune, Marinara is with oregano, not basil. Really good.

    • Thank you. I fixed it 🙂

      I had a lot of pizza’s on my plate, so to speak 😀

  3. Ivan Reply

    I think you should warn people Tipo 00 is not a well-defined flour by protein/gluten content, and be clearer about the strength of the flour you are using. Tipo 00 can be anything from cake flour (W less than 100) to bread flour (W over 300). If it doesn’t say very much about it, it is probably similar to US all-purpose flour in strength (W around 200). Tipo 00 refers to the fineness of the grind and low ash content, not strength of the flour.
    To add to the complication of buying Italian Tipo flours, protein content – which you can find printed on the pack – is not well correlated with flour strength. For example, my local deli sells Pizzetti Tipo 00 which is an unbelievable 22% protein, but it isn’t strong bread flour – it is a middle strength all-purpose flour with W value about 200 according to their website.
    When I use this Pizzetti general purpose Tipo 00 (only flour I have been able to get the last few weeks of the Great British Coronavirus Flour Shortage), I have to do some extended stretching and folding at the start of bulk ferment to get a dough that will later pass the window pane test. If it is only a 65% hydration dough, maybe only 5 or 10 minutes. But I wouldn’t get away with what you did there.
    So I don’t know what Tipo 00 you are using, but it doesn’t seem to be like the Tipo 00 I am using. Or maybe you have some other skill to get your medium strength flour develop its gluten without the extended stretching sessions others of us seem to need when we can’t get bread flour.

    • That is a very good point. I’ve updated the recipe to state the protein content that you need. Thank you.

      In case you cannot get bread flour, but you can get vital wheat gluten (it’s probably a lot less popular), you can use my vital wheat gluten calculator to find out how much to add:

  4. guro Reply


    Can the dough be frozen at any point? After dividing and before final rise in the fridge perhaps? I was thinking about making the entire batch and then freezing maybe half of the dough balls.

    • Yes, at any point where you’d put in the fridge you can put it in the freezer.

      When you want to use it, take it out and let it thaw completely in the fridge (around 24 hours).

  5. Ellen Seltz Reply

    Hi Sune, would dividing the dough into 2 instead of 4 hurt the result? I have a large baking stone & a lot of mouths to feed.

  6. Abe Reply

    Hi Sune, love your channel and website. I´m trying to make this recipe but dont understand why is the top recipe (base dought) is diferent from the one at the bottom? One calls for semolina and the base dough doesnt.?

  7. Phyllis Van Hagen Reply

    This is a wonderful recipe and it will become my go to pizza recipe. Despite the use of a pizza stone and a preheat for one hour at 500 degrees, I have NEVER been able to achieve a blackened bottom on the crust- not even close.i have baked on the bottom shelf and higher. I often use the broil mechanism briefly. I was hoping the addition of diastatic malt powder would remedy that but no. In thinking about it maybe I need to cook it longer? I did bake these for 8-10 minutes. I did find that when I reheated a slice in a scorching cast iron fry pan, the bottom crust scorched nicely. For one pie, I topped it with a filling for a “flamiche aux poireaux .” That was amazing. I will push on and keep experimenting and what a delicious way to experiment.

  8. mike Reply

    Hi Sune, love your instructions and recipes, really helping with my sourdough beginnings. You’ve done all the hard work experimenting! But just a little confused by the 2 different recipe ratios in the post. The first reciple in the main part of the article doesn’t include semolina or diastatic malt and looks like around 70% hydration (including starter) but then the detailed recipe at the bottom includes these with a total hydration around 65% (including starter). I ended up using the first recipe as I didn’t have semolina or diastatic malt and it turned out fine (was pretty sticky but workable) but just wondering if I get those other 2 ingredients will following the second recipe give better results?

    • There was an error in the top recipe. It’s been updated 🙂

  9. Matt Reply

    Hey Sune I made this dough and its currently in my fridge for an overnight proof. However, I just checked on it and its really kind of pancaked out in the fridge overnight. I thought I shaped it pretty well. I guess that makes sense as its a somewhat wet dough not in a banneton. Should I reshape it now if I’m planning on making it in about 10 hours or let it be? Thanks

  10. Stella Reply

    Hi Sune! I have been watching quite bit of your videos and they have helped me. For this recipe, I don’t have semolina. Can I omit it?

  11. Petitabee Reply

    Hi Sune, can i skip or replace semolina and diastatic malt? Thank you

  12. Stella Reply

    Hi Sune! I have learned quite a bit from your YouTube videos. Thank you! I am planning to make this for dinner tonight. However, I don’t have any semolina and couldn’t find any in the stores just now. Can I leave it out or substitute with more flour?

  13. Juan MARIN Reply

    Hi Sune, thanks for your work! sourdough bread recipe and calculator has been pretty helpful to me, now getting ready for pizza. Quick question, I cannot get diastatic malt here. Is it essential? How could I substitute? Thanks again, and greetings from Colombia.

  14. Athena Engel Reply

    Hi Sune, I can’t wait to try your pizza dough recipe! I have type 00 flour, bread flour, ap flour and whole wheat flour. I cannot find semolina. Is there anything else I can use? Thank you so much for your time and the wonderful recipes!

  15. Natalia Reply

    Hi! Thank you for your wonderful recipes, I love them!

    If I don’t have diastatic malt, should I replace it with semolina or normal flour?

  16. Danilo Reply

    Hi Sune, thank you very much for your amazing recipes. Concerning this one, I have just one basic question before I start off: do I have any chance of success with a normal kitchen oven that reaches at most 250°C?

    • Yes, it won’t be as charred and stuff, but it’ll still be delicious 🙂

  17. Judith Barnes Reply

    I’m thrilled to have found this recipe, which was a total success! I was despairing because my breads and pizza dough were coming out TOO SOUR! Luckily I just scored some semolina flour (not easy to find right now!) but didn’t have the malt powder, which didn’t seem to matter. I used my own deep dish, cast iron skillet baking technique and my pizza was perfect and not at all sour. Yay! Next time I’ll use some stone-ground whole wheat flour too. Thanks for the perfect dough recipe and technique.!

  18. David A Nelson Reply

    Hi Sune, I love your tutorials. I have learned so much. I went on vacation for a week and left my starter just sit on the counter. It is a bit watery, stronger sour smell, and has some green liquid in it. Should I still use it? I saved about 1.5 oz and jump started it with 6 oz water & 6 oz flour. waiting to see if it still grows. Should I be concerned about the green? it wasn’t on top like a mold but in and around in the more liquid part. I did pour out as much as I could, but a little was still left.

  19. Eric Reply

    Hi Sune, this is an awesome recipe! I just made it for the fam and they loved it.
    Is there a way to make the dough balls in advance and freeze them to have them ready for when we need them?
    Thanks Eric

  20. Sophie Reply

    Hi, this looks like a great recipe. Thank you. I only have bread flour but no semolina. Can I skip the semolina? If so how much flour should I add in its place? Thank you

  21. Anna Biesheuvel Reply

    Hi! Thanks for sharing this recipe, I LOVE pizza and have loved my sour-dough adventure so far!
    I tried the recipe (still in process as we speak), but it was IMPOSSIBLE for me to shape to dough. It was too wet and not strong enough. I never battle shaping my breads and have made quite a few. I tried the same technique but it’s just too ‘flubbery’.
    I did the best I could with shaping and put it in the fridge (it’s 5 balls but I suspect it will be one pudding very soon)
    Is there anything I can do to fix this? And where did I possibly go wrong? I did let it proof for quite some time, maybe too long? When I started shaping the dough looked beautiful: fluffy and bubbly.
    Hope I can still fix it and make awesome pizza’s!

  22. Nir Taieb Reply

    Can you please explain the term ‘ inoculation’

  23. Cate Reply

    Sune, I have been following your excellent sourdough baking guidelines since Covid began and I am so pleased with the results. Since I started making your pizza dough last week, I’ve had two pizza nights with friends and two more just chowing down on it by myself! Fantastic ravings all round. Keep up the great work!

  24. Andia Reply

    Great…love it

  25. Katie Reply

    Sune I haven’t tried the pizza yet but I have been dying to! I baked four loaves of sourdough the other day and ran my oven too hot for too long and cracked the glass in the door! Now I have to wait till that’s fixed before I can bake anything at that high temperature. 😞so no pizza for now! Just wanted to mention that if you add anise seeds to your tomato sauce it will enhance the flavor to another level! I learned this from an Italian lady! It truly makes the sauce amazingly delicious! just don’t add too much a little goes a very long way!

  26. Kasper Grønhøj Reply

    Tak Sune! Efter at have opgivet håbet om en 100% surdejspizza, så har din opskrift vendt op og ned på. Det var simpelthen den bedste pizza jeg – og resten af min lille familie nogensinde har fået. Den ryger lige i gemmebogen.

  27. Thomas Grosman Reply

    Hej Sune,

    This is a great recipe. I don’t know if it is the world’s best homemade pizza, but it it is best I’ve made. It is very easy. This is the first time I’be made pizza on my new baking steel, and that makes a huge difference, even compared to my baking stone, especially since my oven doesn’t get much above 250-275. Using the broiler will get it over 300.

    I used Italian Caputo (13g, w260/270) tipo 00 flour “soft wheat” that I bought on the net. What flour do you find here in Denmark for pizza?

    Also, in the US we have low moisture mozzarella. Is there something similar in Denmark?

    Btw, if people are having issues with the pie sticking to the peel, I found that you can lift a corner of the dough and blow under the pizza on the peel and it will unstick.

  28. Yakov Reply

    Hey Sune, excellent recipe!
    I make it very similar but with innoculation of 6.5% (100g 100% starter for 765g flour)
    Anyway, I now make a weekly batch of 5 balls and the best ones are the last ones – the ones baked after 6-7 days! I believe lower innoculation allows for slower fermentation so more taste development time without melting the gluten.
    Give it a whack – I’m curious to know your thoughts 😀

  29. Filip Reply

    Hi Sune.

    Could you tell me, please, why in pizza recipe the dough has to get 100% growth (comparing to 25% for sd bread) and why it is supposted to rest for at least 24h in fridge (comparing to 12h for sd bread).

    BTW. The pizza is awesome. Thanks for the recipe!

    • The 25% rise for sourdough bread is to maximize the oven spring. When you bake a pizza you want the dough to rise, but not crack. Which is why 100% is a good number to aim for.

      You can do 12 hours retardation, but the it probably won’t be as flavorful 🙂

  30. Jon Reply

    I found it took much more than 3 hours 25 mins in the end – that’s quite an aggressive estimate in my opinion

    • ‘Aggressive’ is not really the right word. The word you’re looking for is ‘wrong’ 🙂 I’ve updated the recipe 🙂

  31. Claudia Reply

    I’m so eager to try this recipe. I’m very new to sourdough. But I’m keen to learn and keep trying (there have been many many fails). Your video is very informative and I hope to have such great results!

  32. Simon Reply

    Do you use the dough straight from the fridge after 24h or should it rest at room temp for a while before stretching it out?

  33. Cheryl Reply

    So I can either use the baking or the broil function in my oven, but not both. Do you recommend baking first and then finish with a brief broil for the top? Also, could I shape, load the toppings and then freeze for a ready to bake meal? Thanks again, Suni, for a wonderful tutorial!

  34. Tug Reply

    5 stars
    Delicious pizza. The family says this is the best pizza they’ve had. Made the first dough into a cheese bread, the other three had a white sauce. I’m making the red sauce version tomorrow. I highly recommend this pizza.

    • Tug Reply

      I’m also going to do a cold bulk fermentation and a cold final proof to add a bit more sourness and flavor to the dough.

  35. Peter Reply

    5 stars
    Thanks sune for the recipe. the pizza was great. I used speltflour and no maltpowder Oven 300° ca 8min. Taste was very good.

  36. Hanaa Reply

    Hi ..thank you for the recipe. Can I substitute diastatic malt with other?