Sourdough Pita Bread Recipe

Sourdough pita bread recipe | Super easy, the best recipe

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  1. SFO Reply

    REALLY GREAT! I have made pita 5 times before, following Cook’s Illustrated, which normally has all the science, and never had more than 1-2 make a pocket–all 8 did with this, it was a less fussy approach, and the sourdough taste was fantastic. Will make again and share the recipe, thank you!

  2. Joe Reply

    Hello. I would like to see a loaf made with no salt, one with cultured butter and others with a fermented ingredient for example yoghurt. Thanks.

  3. AP Reply

    I tried baking the pita bread 2 times and both times the results were ok. I used rye sourdough starter though. They came out delicious, but for some reason they dried out very quickly after cooling down, loosing all the flexibility, making it impossible to fill me them with anything because they break very easily. How would I make them stay soft longer?

  4. When cooking pita on the stovetop, I’ve gotten the best results using a slightly different procedure.

    Cook on the first side covered until bubbles start to form on top.
    Flip and cook on the other side covered.
    Flip again and cook uncovered, pressing gently with a spatula to help puff.

    If you cook too long on the first side initially, then that side will stiffen too much to get any bubbles in it after flipping, and it will look rather flat. If you cook too long on the second side, then the dough will start to char. This mustn’t happen yet! The charred spots will leak gas that you need to puff the pita. Once the pita is fully puffed, it’s okay to add some extra color.

  5. Lara Naderi Reply

    I have a question. Can you make this recipe with sourdough Discard as well? And should you add a bit of yeast then?

  6. Jim Freese Reply

    Thought you’d like to know the ads are covering the recipe. I printed a pdf so I can still have your great pita with lamb meatballs on humus. I love your recipes!